Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Story Of Stars, Just Like Grandpa Told It

Here's a wonderfully touching story told by a young boy who is remembering a special time with his grandfather.

Read this story o your children and they'll ask for it over and over again.

Thanks for your order. Here is your link to order this great short story.

Purchase LINK

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Well okay, maybe not diet food but it does make you feel good inside and there are some reports that have just been published that say that chocolate is actually very good for your health.

Getting your FREE Hershey chocolate is easy.  Just click THIS PICTURE BELOW and put in your e-mail address.  Put your credit cards away.  You don't need them here.

If you're a chocolate junkie like me then this is the real deal for you.  Take a look.  Click the BLINKING PICTURE BELOW, now.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

As Seen On TV - Ahh Bra

I know it might seem a little strange to see me promote this but I've known 3 ladies that have ordered these and absolutely love them.  The Ahh Bra is guaranteed to fit, washable and the offer they're making right now is pretty unbelievable.  Take a look at see what you think.  Read the testimonials.  Watch the short video and chose "freedom" in it's truest form.
Here's the LINK.  Just click it now and you'll see what I'm talking about.

PEERFLY Affiliate Network For All Of Your Online Traffic Needs

For years I depended on "FREE" traffic to draw customers to my various blogs and web-sites.  As I'm sure you already know free traffic is exactly what it says; free and offers you no ability to target the exact customers you're looking for.  Lots of traffic is generated but when you're promoting a product that is specifically designed for someone 45 years old, male and has money enough to purchase a high-ticket item and the only people seeing it are 18 year olds that have no job then the results of your ad campaign are quite obvious.
Well, I've changed all that now and with the use of highly targeted ad buying (ten cents for each one thousand ad impressions) I can now focus on just the right person or persons that need to see my offers.
Peerfly is the CPA affiliate program I'm now using.  It is free to join and they have a support team that is beyond compare. So, if you're looking to focus your advertising and promotions I would strongly suggest that you check them out. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Hype Alert! New iPhone 5 is coming to a city near you...

QUESTION:  How do you know when Apple is going to release a new product?
ANSWER:  Everybody that sells some of their products begins to lower the prices on what they have to make room for what they'll be getting.

HINT:  Sprint has just quietly lowered the price on their iPhone 4s by $50.00.  It is now only $149.00.  I'm still stuck in the iPhone 3 stage of life so I'm excited to see something new(er) coming out at a better price.

HOWEVER:  You could be lucky enough to test and then keep a new iPhone 5.  Just click the little box in the right panel here on this site and see how to do it. 

GOOD LUCK...Happy texting...BUT PLEASE, not while you're driving, okay?  I need all the friends I can get.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

With all the news these days focusing on foods that have been grown artificially I thought it would be good to introduce to you a way to provide food for your family naturally and organically.  Nobody wants to eat chemicals and food that has been "spiked" with everything bad that can cause cancer, reduce your life by years and simply does nothing to benefit your all around health.

CLICK THIS LINK and watch the short video introduction to growing your own food organically and naturally. 

Backroads And Byways

In only 14 days I'll begin my travels to the Backroads And Byways of the United States.  The good part about that is that I'll be doing so in my RV/Van and will have no expenses that will break the bank.  Yes, I'll be spending Less Than $20.00 a day on my travels and will be able to do most anything I chose as I explore this great nation.
I learned how to do this type of travel a little over a year ago and once I researched it I knew it was the only way to travel.  No getting up by 11A.M. to check out of a high-priced hotel/motel and nobody to tell me that I can't stay another day because the room has been booked already.
All of the material and information I needed was contained in a small e-book that I purchased online.  It introduced me to the lifestyle of "Vanaboding" and once I read it I never looked for any other way to travel.
You can do this too.  HERE is the link to that little e-book.  For the cost of only $27.00 you could learn what I've learned and strike out on your own exciting travel venture.  At the very least YOU SHOULD LOOK at this information.  It is detailed even before you decide to purchase it.  Take a look and see what you're missing out on.  You won't be sorry you did.

And, if you'd like to follow me in my travels I've posted a blog that I think you'll find interesting and entertaining.  Go There Now and see what I'm doing, where I'm going and What I've Learned about Vanaboding.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Second Place Winners

If you believe that being second is a bad thing
it is time you re-think your beliefs.

I've learned over the past few months that coming in second is actually a good thing. Think about this. When a mouse goes to a trap and sees the cheese his first reaction is to go get it, right? But what happens when he takes action to get his prize? Yes, he is trapped (killed) Being second is not always a bad thing. Then the second mouse comes to the same site and sees that there is cheese still available and that now there is no threat as the first mouse has sprung the trap already. He's going to get the reward that somebody else already paid the price for.
The same thing holds true in marketing online. Most large companies present the "cheese" for everyone to get. Many people fall for the trap and are destroyed without getting the benefit of the product. Then another person comes along and sees the "reviews" and notes that the product price has been reduced or that it is actually now being offered for free. He jumps on it and after tweaking it a little bit, uses it for a while in a specific niche and makes his own killing with the product. What's best is that it didn't cost him his life savings in the process and he still got the benefit of being able to use a great product that produces sales.
So I guess the question is this; Are you willing to come second to the meal of internet profits? I'm sure now that you will likely answer YES. And well you should. But the question still do you find the product that is reduced in price or even free so you can take advantage of it?
Here's what I do to get the benefit or internet marketing riches while paying very little (and sometimes nothing) for what I'm able to use online. I research every day topics that interest me. Yes, it takes some time but when I discover a gold nugget that holds my interest for more than just a few seconds I jump on it. Normally the niche I've discovered has been presented over and over again. I don't have a problem with that because it is then a proven market or product and when I begin writing about it or presenting it as a "hard" product to the world I know that it is something that people want, that they'll pay for (if it is reasonably priced) and further, it will be a product, service or information that is needed. I know this because my research has proven it and reviews of whatever it is I'm presenting are positive etc.
It really isn't hard to sell things online. The key is to find what is already being searched for and then "set the trap" as it were, allow somebody else to get trapped first and then I'm going to go get the cheese (money) that is still there just waiting for me to collect it.
You can do this too. Yes it takes some time but you probably have more of that than you imagine. Just turn off Facebook for a few hours and do something constructive.
I write books and publish them online through You can visit my author page and see what I've done and how I've presented "second place" winners online with awesome results.
Good luck to you in your internet searches and selling. You can do this!

GO HERE to see what I've done on Amazon Publishing.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Subversive Gardening


Did you know that planting a vegetable garden makes you subversive? It is according to Roger Doiron, the Director of Kitchen Gardens International. A few months ago, Doiron gave a lecture at the famous TED symposium and he pointed out the many ways that planting your own garden is a subversive act.
First and foremost, as Doiron points out, growing your own food has the potential "to alter the balance of power, not only in our own country, but in the entire world."
And he's absolutely right.

When you grow your own food, you take power into your own hands. You reclaim your rightful power over your diet ... over your health ... over your wallet. And you take that power away from industrial growers, from giant chemical companies, from institutionalized medicine, and even from pharmaceutical companies. You didn't know you had that much power, did you?
As Doiron points out, gardening is "a healthy gateway drug to other forms of food freedom." Soon you'll be cooking more of your meals from scratch, instead of buying chemical-laden prepared meals on your way home from work. You'll be canning and freezing and preserving your own garden-fresh produce instead of relying on industry to put it in cans lined with dangerous BPA for you.
Gardening, though, isn't just a way to reclaim some of the power that's been taken away from you over the past few decades. Soon, Doiron points out, home gardens will become an absolute necessity. By the end of the 21st century, the world's population will hit 10 billion. How will we feed them all, when already today 900 million people go hungry every year?
If you've assumed that "technology" will help us to feed the world in the years to come, you couldn't be more wrong. To keep up with population growth, according to a 2007 article published in the Guardian magazine, our world will have to produce more food in the next 50 years than it has in the past 10,000 years put together.
Why The Industrialized Food System Is Doomed To Failure
An unflinching look at the facts makes it clear that industrialized agriculture simply isn't sustainable. For starters, it takes too much fuel. In the industrial farming system, it takes 10 calories of fossil fuel energy to yield just 1 calorie of food energy. That's a net loss in every bite. And as fuel prices go up, and up, and up, it will only become more apparent what a bad bargain that is. To make matters even worse, farmland is vanishing at an alarming rate, as acre after acre falls to development or even drought.
Along with the disappearing farmland, by the way, genetic diversity is vanishing even more quickly. Experts believe that 90% of all vegetable varieties went extinct in the 20th century. Such genetic diversity is the best food insurance policy we could have - and we blew it.
And then there are genetically modified foods. They were supposed to increase yields ... but instead, crop failures are actually increasing with GM seed. GM pollen drifts to neighboring farms and contaminates other crops. And then there are the very real, very frightening health dangers from consuming GM foods - allergies, autoimmune disorders, infertility, and more.
It's hard to believe we don't have enough food when you visit a grocery store.
But that's the thing. Most of what you see in a grocery store isn't even real food.
In the average grocery store, there are over 30,000 different products on the shelf. But what you see in those bright boxes and bags isn't real food. And there's no real genetic diversity. The vast majority of packaged foods contain at least one of three ingredients: wheat, corn, or soy (most of it genetically modified). Food manufacturers just rearrange the same few ingredients and combine them with artificial chemicals to give the illusion of variety and the appearance of real food. Ironic, isn't it:
Over 30,000 items on the grocery store shelves ... and as a nation, we're fatter and sicker than ever before.
(Gee, it couldn't have anything to do with the way we produce food, could it?)
Fuel-hogging industrial agriculture ... vanishing farmland ... billions more mouths to feed in the coming decades ... frankenfoods that are making us sicker and sicker, and spiking medical costs ... when will we come to our senses?

Sunday, January 8, 2012

31 Day Fat Loss Program

Losing weight in 2012 doesn't have to be hard.  Nope, with this amazing program developed by a former soldier you can lose up to 31 pounds of belly fat in only 31 days.
In this program you'll learn what the three foods are that are actually preventing your weight loss.  Worst of all these foods are what all the "experts" actually tell you to eat to lose weight.
CLICK HERE for complete details and a video that explains everything you need to know to lose weight in only 31 days, guaranteed or your money back.
 Losing weight in 2012 doesn't have to be hard... If you're looking to lose weight in 2012, and you want to keep it off once and for all, then make sure you avoid these 3 "Health Foods" that are secretly making you fat!

You can find out what these 3 foods are at the link below...
 3 "Health Foods" That are Making You Fat click here
In this quick little video, former U.S. ARMY soldier Vic Magary is EXPOSING the
diet industry's dirty little secrets and showing you exactly why you should
NEVER eat this 1 so called "health food"...

Even the corrupt U.S.D.A is trying to shove this "health food" down your throat!

Make sure you check out this "revealing" video now, before it gets taken down...

 3 "Health Foods" That are Making You Fat ;= click here


- Vic Magary
Former U.S. Army Soldier

P.S. - The first time I eliminated this 1 food from my diet, I lost 7.5 lbs in just one week!

I'm not sure how much longer this page will be up for, so make sure you check it out
now while it's still up... Here is the link again...

"3 Health Foods" That are Making You Fat= click here