Thursday, February 9, 2012

Second Place Winners

If you believe that being second is a bad thing
it is time you re-think your beliefs.

I've learned over the past few months that coming in second is actually a good thing. Think about this. When a mouse goes to a trap and sees the cheese his first reaction is to go get it, right? But what happens when he takes action to get his prize? Yes, he is trapped (killed) Being second is not always a bad thing. Then the second mouse comes to the same site and sees that there is cheese still available and that now there is no threat as the first mouse has sprung the trap already. He's going to get the reward that somebody else already paid the price for.
The same thing holds true in marketing online. Most large companies present the "cheese" for everyone to get. Many people fall for the trap and are destroyed without getting the benefit of the product. Then another person comes along and sees the "reviews" and notes that the product price has been reduced or that it is actually now being offered for free. He jumps on it and after tweaking it a little bit, uses it for a while in a specific niche and makes his own killing with the product. What's best is that it didn't cost him his life savings in the process and he still got the benefit of being able to use a great product that produces sales.
So I guess the question is this; Are you willing to come second to the meal of internet profits? I'm sure now that you will likely answer YES. And well you should. But the question still do you find the product that is reduced in price or even free so you can take advantage of it?
Here's what I do to get the benefit or internet marketing riches while paying very little (and sometimes nothing) for what I'm able to use online. I research every day topics that interest me. Yes, it takes some time but when I discover a gold nugget that holds my interest for more than just a few seconds I jump on it. Normally the niche I've discovered has been presented over and over again. I don't have a problem with that because it is then a proven market or product and when I begin writing about it or presenting it as a "hard" product to the world I know that it is something that people want, that they'll pay for (if it is reasonably priced) and further, it will be a product, service or information that is needed. I know this because my research has proven it and reviews of whatever it is I'm presenting are positive etc.
It really isn't hard to sell things online. The key is to find what is already being searched for and then "set the trap" as it were, allow somebody else to get trapped first and then I'm going to go get the cheese (money) that is still there just waiting for me to collect it.
You can do this too. Yes it takes some time but you probably have more of that than you imagine. Just turn off Facebook for a few hours and do something constructive.
I write books and publish them online through You can visit my author page and see what I've done and how I've presented "second place" winners online with awesome results.
Good luck to you in your internet searches and selling. You can do this!

GO HERE to see what I've done on Amazon Publishing.