Thursday, August 25, 2011

Prepaid Visa Credit Card You're Approved!

Tens of thousands of people go through life each day wondering how in the world they can rebuild credit that is bruised or damaged in some way.  It certainly can be tough to rebuild but there is a solution that is quick, easy and painless.
I recently spoke to a banker in my community that told me the most important thing you can do to rebuild credit is to actually have reportable credit.  He suggested getting a prepaid Visa credit card, using it often but paying everything up front with the card.  Reports are then generated that show you have an active account that is current and in good standing.

Here's one of the best cards to have.  Take a look and see if it is something you could use.  I would recommend it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How To Hear, See and Speak No Evil Intermet Marketing

Hear, See and Speak No Evil
Wouldn't it be great if this heading text was true?  But alas, as it relates to current internet marketing tactics and clever ploys, it is not.
I'm sure you are just as sick of being lied to, deceived and flat out ripped off as I am, right?  Of course you are.  You work hard for your
money and to have it sucked up by some guy claiming to have the next best thing in internet marketing is just plain getting to be old. 
I'm tired of it and as of now I'm simply not going to buy into their deceitful ways anymore.
Care to join me in the ride for freedom?  You can, and I'll tell you in a minute just how to do it.
First though I'm going to introduce you to something that I've discovered recently that made me money from day one... no, really it did.  This isn't
some clever way of trying to sway you into buying something from me.  In fact you can try what I'm going to show you for free for 7 days before
you ever have to invest a dime.  And it is an investment but not one that you can't afford.  I know that if they would have charged me $97.00
even for just a one-time fee I couldn't have done it.  But, they offer a month-to-month membership for only $19.95 and you can cancel
at any time.  It's a great deal and the method they introduce, train you to use and back you up with great customer support is
well worth the small investment.
The system is called "videoforward".  It is so simple that I began using it within only 5 minutes of signing up.  And I was amazed at how
fast I began getting hits on my information.  Okay, that's all I'm going to say about it.  There's a short introductory video that will appear when
you click the link I'll give to you.  It explains everything in detail.  You really won't believe how simple this is to use.
Here's the most important link you'll ever click.  Do it today... No, DO IT NOW.